Sometimes "just an hour of play" sounds so easy. It isn't. Most of the time I don't feel like it. I clean the house, prepare food, talk to the cat and find ways around the hour, circling it. Pinning a result up is like a badge of honour to "I did it!". Someone posted the latest TedX talk up from a lady whose catch phase, was basically, "you never feel like it", so you better kinda just do it anyway…I listened to this lady, thought about all the cool ideas I have in a day and the then 15 reasons why I don't just try them out. Fear of failure possibly being on the top of that stupid list, and then directly underneath, fear of what other people will think about my shitsville attempts…On reflection these fears annoy me and are fairly mundane and ridiculous. And yet…
...and finally, cause I just don't feel like it. I would prefer to have a glass of wine, eat chocolate, sit in front of the TV, zone out of life or talk shit with friends. Luckily, I have moments where I tell myself to get off my arse and just do it anyway. Just go play with your friend…
My play today Bin…
Ruth Hassall, A reason to rise, Oil and Wax on Canvas, 600 x 500 |
Am loving this one. I could have that one in my house!