Friday, January 15, 2016

Stitching in Montana

It is quite surreal sitting in a snow covered landscape stitching silk dyed in Bourke. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A bit of Bourke in Montana

I am working on an exhibition piece for a group exhibition, Covert. All the silks were dyed with eucalyptus leaves from Bourke. One small piece was dyed at Bourke. My landscape and family I have no more and "Covert" a return to them. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

My one hour a day while away

 Just  unpacking here in Montana where I am having a little holiday with family. So Ruthie here is my one hour a day of play while away! I am re stitching a piece for an exhibition as the last piece didn't "speak" to me in any way.  I also have a new piece I want to work on. It is all hand stitching as that's easy to carry with me.